CUTQ Class Fee Schedule: Pre-Paid Cards
(1.5 hr classes, once/wk)
classes 1 5 9 18 27 36 45
cost $20 $90 $144 $252 $351 $432 $540
cost/hr $13.33 $12 $10.67 $9.33 $8.67 $8.00 $8.00
(2.5 hr classes, approx. bi-weekly)
classes 1 5 10 15 20 25
cost $40 $144 $252 $351 $432 $540
cost/hr $16.00 $11.52 $10.08 $9.36 $8.64 $8.64

  • cards are non-transferable
  • cards expire 1 month after the last class purchased for 5-18 classes, and 3 months after the last class purchased for 27-45 classes. You may use your card anytime prior to expiration.
  • because attendance is not recorded, lost or stolen cards will be replaced at an assumed 100% attendance since the purchase date of the card
  • those arriving late to any class will be charged a full class for that day
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